Midge Walkers

Walk Around Penwortham.

A surprisingly good turnout as many of our regulars were unavailable. 11 Folks, including Peter the 147th person to join one of our walks, set off from Penwortham Booths car park on a walk we had done parts of over 8.5 yrs ago.

It is amazing how places change without you recognising them until passing by on foot, Sunday was such an occasion. The new Preston circular route in full flow and the now fully open All Hallows Sports ground. Nice to see the ancient Howick Cross Memorial as we progressed down Howick Cross Lane before passing Howick Hall and across the fields to the impressive Storm Drain Pumping Station before walking alongside the River Ribble, noticing that the ‘mother nature’ had reclaimed some of the upper pathway since we last walked there. Our coffee stop was overlooking the Ribble at the site of the almost demolished former Power Station and viewing pictures of the area 60 years ago, time has transformed the area.

Our next landmarks were Church Wood and the Penwortham War Memorial, before making our way to Hill Road, passing Penwortham Cemetery into Hurst Grange Park and finally to Cop Lane and returning to our cars at Booths.

Finally, back at Booths it was noted that whilst there was no stiles which was a welcome change, there was no change in that the predicted distance of 5 miles was challenged as being 6 miles according to Bill’s ancient (steam) speedometer! Some things never change. Nonetheless, we had a great afternoon of fellowship and exercise and we look forward to our next walk on Sunday 16th March

                                            Report by Rodney Swarbrick

Next walk

Sunday, 16th March 2025 - 1.45 pm

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