Midge Walkers

Heapey Circular. 30.06.2024

This walk was to be our 183rd outing in which 13 folks set of from Blackburn Rd Heapey/Wheelton at 1.45 pm in rather dull, but ideal walking conditions, towards Johnson’s Hillock, passing the Junior School and then left into Dark Lane where there are numerous lovely large residences. Upon reaching Moss Lane we joined the Leeds/Liverpool Canal, towards the now radically changed Botany Bay, which is almost hidden by lots of very large newly built industrial units.

We paused to consider the once majestic 9 arched railway viaduct which was blown up/demolished in Nov. 1969. At the Boatyard we ascended a cobbled path to arrive at the Lock and Quay pub, crossing the road into Bagganley Lane, passing a restored Farmhouse before taking a left turn and crossing Black Brook. A small campsite with a Bell Tent for hire was our next sighting! After crossing a field and following a narrow pathway we spotted some fencing which sometime ago marked a border of Thomas Witters Factory, a once renowned manufacturer of quality carpets and floor coverings.

A little further on arriving at Heapey Lane, we spotted what was once the Fire Engine/Station Building of Witters. Taking a pathway to our left we soon arrived at the 125 year old arch way built under the disused Chorley/Blackburn railway embankment, this being an ideal stopping place for a short refreshment break and photos for our walk record file.

After passing some friendly horses and encountering a stile we passed Eagle Tower and were able to spot Blackpool Tower in the distant horizon. On reaching St Barnabas Church, first built in 1552 and rebuilt 1740, we looked at the Bell Tower, on the ground, which fell off the roof in 1976. Entering Chapel Lane, it was downhill all the way returning to our start point. A delightful 4.5mls, good under foot, basically flat walk was enjoyed by us all.

This report was compiled by Rodney as Raymond was absent having sneaked off and lumbered him with the job, whilst he is sunning himself in a swish hotel on the Cost del Sol.

Next walk

Sunday, 28th July 2024  - 1.45 pm

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