Midge Hall Methodist Church
S m a l l C h u r c h - B i g W e l c o m e
Midge Hall Methodist Church was first opened for worship on 11th November 1867. The original Chapel (as it was called then) was a single room, now our Church Hall. In 1996, an extension was built to create the modern Church we worship in today.
A second extension was built to provide a kitchen and toilets and then again to provide a foyer and welcome area
Our Church has been awarded as a ‘Child Friendly Church’ and during the main Sunday morning service, children are welcome to our special childrens group, Adventurers, who take part in fun activities mainly outdoors before joining the main service for the last hymn
Hello, my name is Reverend Gillian McBride and I would like to welcome you to Midge Hall Methodist Church and I am pleased you are looking at our web-site. I sincerely hope that you take the time to join us with one of our Sunday Services or even, one of the many various activities that take place in the hall each week. You will be welcome to take part in any group, just look at the Diary page for information
The Sunday service is followed by refreshments and an ideal time to make yourself known, if you wish, and find out more about us. We really are a friendly bunch
Sunday Service (10.30 am)
Adventurers (for all age children)
Prayer Group
Midge Singers
Luncheon Club
Walking Group
Table Tennis
KTB singers
Dancing Groups
Quilters, Craft, Sewing and Patchers Groups
Slimmers World
Leyland W.I.
Gardening Group
Folk Dance Group
Mawdsley U3A